Topics discussed include awnings, folding tables for the Clubhouse, Budget Committee Open House, and an announcement from Treasurer Claire Knowlton.
Compiled by Patrick Comiskey The August Board meeting welcomed 34 Zoom attendees with a full slate of Directors and management. It was a brief public meeting; by some miracle, the word “chalk” was not uttered once the entire evening.
Topics discussed include awnings, folding tables for the Clubhouse, Budget Committee Open House, and an announcement from Treasurer Claire Knowlton. If you are on autopay: Ross Morgan does NOT make changes to the amount you are paying each month. You must update the amount you authorize Ross Morgan to collect. Contact Ross Morgan if you have questions about your assessments or need help with autopay. Call: 818-907-6622 Click: Compiled by Patrick Comiskey Fifty-eight people attended the Village Green Board Meeting held on January 23, including 9 Directors, management and staff. It was Director Joe Khoury’s last meeting as a Board member—he’s retiring after the coming election—and his years of service were acknowledged with much gratitude by the community and fellow Board members.
The topics of discussions and decisions included priority projects for 2024, replacing the association's law firm, the safety lighting project, replacing our laundry contractor, and repairs to some signage around the property. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey Forty people attended the Board Meeting held December 12, 2023 including eight Directors and Management representatives. It was a dramatic meeting owing to the bombshell laid at the feet of the property by the insurance industry. INSURANCE RATES SKYROCKET
On December 9, Management was informed of an astronomical rate hike to the Green’s Property and Liability insurance premium for 2024. In 2023, the Association paid $196,345 in annual fees. Ms. Giles reported that the preliminary quote for the same coverage was likely to quintuple. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey
Thirty people attended the Board Meeting including six Board directors and Management representatives. Three Board members, Ashley Fondrevay, Haleh Shoah, and Steve Haggerty, were absent. Topics discussed include the 2024 budget and assessment increase, our new security contractor, a window-rehabilitation trial, changing "Rodeo Place" to become "Georgia & Ted's Place", and the HOA and Board meeting schedules. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C. Topics include: electrical upgrade pilot building, insurance coverage changes, building painting and insulation, garage restoration/painting, laundry machine maintenance, serpentine walls, and furnace vent issues.
Also, there's a new garage lighting trial in Court 7. Residents and safety committee members are encouraged to review the lighting in action after dark. A note from the Budget & Finance Committee... Are you curious how the HOA plans to spend your assessments next year? Come join a conversation about an early draft of the 2024 budget with the board treasurer. The board approves the final budget during their October meeting. Meeting ID: 592 544 596 Password: 5300Obama (two zeros, upper case O) Or dial by phone: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 592-544-596 Password: 192791 Compiled by Sherri Giles, edited by P.J.C., photo by Zig Topics include: electrical upgrade project, Fanny Mae, residential and garage maintenance, window frame replacements, rooftop venting, LED lamps for common area buildings, and our security services contract.
Compiled by Lucy Fried
Compiled by Lucy Fried and Patrick Comiskey The Board of Directors and Management updates at the March 28th Board meeting were extensive. Topics included the master planting guidelines from RIOS, major building maintenance, the electrical upgrade project, garage inspections, serpentine wall repairs, and laundry machine maintenance.
Compiled by P. J. C.
Thirty-four people attended the Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, held early in advance of the holidays. They included eight board members as well as staff and representatives of our electrical contractors and consultants, Hariton and Triple C. As meetings go, it was action-packed. Compiled by P. J. C.
Thirty people attended the November Board Meeting, held early in advance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The meeting was unusually brief. The Board of Directors discussed garage inspection violations with regard to the advanced notice residents receive and the month's financials. Compiled by Lucy Fried
Compiled by P.J.C.
Chronological Collections
January 2030