Compiled by Lucy Fried
Compiled by P.J.C. Manager Sherri Giles’ reported on the details and status of topics including: annual garage inspections, tree pest treatments, building maintenance updates, broken washing machines, the Sycamore Ave. Regeneration Project, and more.
An ongoing column from former HIGHLIGHTS editor Lucy Fried
By Ted Robbins, Court 1 Board Vice President Joe Khoury was thrilled when the Village Green implemented California’s new law mandating household food waste be recycled. As Supervising Scientist at LA County’s Sanitation District, he knows exactly what happens to that
waste. “We collect it and convert it to fuel for cars,” he says. Edited by Lucy Fried Public Security officers report all incidents to management, including those that lead to rule enforcement such as noise or parking violations. For more information, please go to the Management Overview page.
By P.J.C. with help from Steven Chiu Liu, Feliza Kohan, Bob McGinness, and Jessica Lent. Photo assistance, Travis Lent.
Chronological Collections
January 2030