If you haven't used Zoom before, you can download the software before the meeting. This will allow you to see audio/video of the meeting and give you access to select interactive features.
Download for desktop/laptop, iPhone/iPad, or Android.
NOTE: the audio/video and controls will only be accessible at meeting time
Connect (at meeting time)
- To join via App, click the link below: - To join via Telephone, dial a number based on your current location:
- +1 669 900 9128, +1 346 248 7799, +1 301 715 8592, +1 312 626 6799, +1 646 558 8656, +1 253 215 8782
- Webinar ID: 424 762 631
- Or iPhone one-tap: +16699009128,,424762631# or +13462487799,,424762631#
- International numbers available:
During the Meeting
- Community attendees will mostly be restricted to listen/view only mode meaning you will be able to see and hear meeting participants but not be seen or freely speak as you would in a conference call.
- The primary exception to this is during homeowners comments which begins at 7pm with early sign-up encouraged. Owners who wish to give comment can indicate such by using the chat function or the raise hand function. The host will then call on them one at a time and they will be able speak and possibly turn on their video camera if desired. For anyone dialing in by phone, the host will ask at the end of the homeowner comment period if there is anyone joining by phone only who wishes to speak and give them an opportunity to do so.
- If you are having video stream difficulties, you can use a phone dial-in number for audio and use the app just for interactive features. Check out the Zoom website for more troubleshooting tips.