Courtesy of C. Singleton, Community Outreach. November 2016 Report.
Los Angeles Petroleum Administrator Mr Ntuk attended the ECWANDC town hall meeting. Mr. Ntuk was appointed by Mayor E.Garcetti. Mr Ntuk's office will manage oil and gas activities in our neighborhoods, and play a role in steering L.A. toward a cleaner, more sustainable future. There will be physical inspection of all oil derricks, pumping and inactive wells in Los Angeles. Mr. Ntuk is a Petroleum Chemical Engineer graduate of UCLA. Mr Ntuk stated there has been very little supervision, and enforcement of regulations. Their will be investigations into slant drilling rights, and mineral rights. Mr.Ntuk will be setting up a town hall information meeting with ECWANDC. His contact information [email protected]
Courtesy of C. Singleton, Community Outreach. November 2016 Report. Comments are closed.
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