Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical pilot project, residential building painting and insulation, garage court pilot lighting project, garage maintenance and inspections, and SB326 balcony inspections.
Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical pilot project, residential building painting and insulation, garage court pilot lighting project, garage maintenance and inspections, and SB326 balcony inspections. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C. Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including electrical upgrades; garage, roof and balcony inspections; serpentine walls; garage court lighting; tree pruning; and residential and garage building maintenance.
Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C. Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project; building painting & insulation; garage inspections, restoration & painting; roof inspections; serpentine walls; laundry machines; and balcony inspections.
Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C.
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project, serpentine walls, garage court lighting upgrades, balcony inspections, and garage restoration & painting. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey
Forty-two people attended the Board Meeting held March 26, including seven Directors, Management representatives, and invited guests. (Manager Sherri Giles and Director Claire Knowlton were absent.) The meeting was almost entirely devoted to infrastructure projects and their funding. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C.
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project, building painting & insulation, garage restoration & painting, the chimney & cupola project, and serpentine walls. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C.
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project, building painting & insulation, garage restoration & painting, and serpentine walls. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C.
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project; building power washing, painting and insulation; garage restoration and painting; the search for a new laundry service; and the transition plan for a new Landscape Services Manager with GreenCrew Landcare, Inc. Compiled by Sherri Giles; edited by P.J.C. Topics include: electrical upgrade pilot building, insurance coverage changes, building painting and insulation, garage restoration/painting, laundry machine maintenance, serpentine walls, and furnace vent issues.
Also, there's a new garage lighting trial in Court 7. Residents and safety committee members are encouraged to review the lighting in action after dark. Compiled by Sherri Giles, edited by Patrick Comiskey Topics include: electrical upgrade pilot building, residential and garage building maintenance, metal window frames, serpentine walls, and security services contracts.
Compiled by Sherri Giles, edited by P.J.C., photo by Zig Topics include: electrical upgrade project, Fanny Mae, residential and garage maintenance, window frame replacements, rooftop venting, LED lamps for common area buildings, and our security services contract.
Compiled by Lucy Fried
Compiled by Lucy Fried and Patrick Comiskey
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including the electrical upgrade project, building maintenance, garage inspections, laundry machine maintenance, landscaping work, an increase in the cost of Wynstan security screen doors, metal window frame replacements, and LADWP lamp replacements. Compiled by Lucy Fried and Patrick Comiskey The Board of Directors and Management updates at the March 28th Board meeting were extensive. Topics included the master planting guidelines from RIOS, major building maintenance, the electrical upgrade project, garage inspections, serpentine wall repairs, and laundry machine maintenance.
Compiled by Lucy Fried
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including garage inspections, laundry machine maintenance, an evaluation of VG's energy use by LADWP, window repairs and replacements, and our electrical upgrade project. Compiled by Lucy Fried
Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics including: laundry machine maintenance, the electrical upgrade project, AT&T land-line service, garage inspections, residential building maintenance, and updates on our grounds. Compiled by P.J.C. Manager Sherri Giles’ reported on the details and status of topics including: annual garage inspections, tree pest treatments, building maintenance updates, broken washing machines, the Sycamore Ave. Regeneration Project, and more.
By Sherri Giles, compiled by Lucy Fried Manager Sherri Giles’ updated the Board of Directors on topics that included odors and pests from Organic Waste bins, the electrical upgrade project, Sycamore Ave Rejuvenation, and residential and garage building maintenance and inspections.
Chronological Collections
January 2030