Please vote! If you have misplaced your ballot, contact the Office for a replacement. Ballot tabulation will take place in the Village Green Clubhouse beginning at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday.
The Village Green Annual Meeting was held on February 1, 2025, at the Baldwin Hills Elementary School Auditorium, with more than 70 owners in attendance. As of 10:00 a.m. that morning, the election had not achieved quorum—the threshold of one vote over 50% required to proceed with ballot tabulation. The meeting was adjourned to Saturday, February 8, at 12:00 p.m., giving owners one more week to submit their ballots.
Please vote! If you have misplaced your ballot, contact the Office for a replacement. Ballot tabulation will take place in the Village Green Clubhouse beginning at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey
The November Board Meeting was held on November 12, with 32 attendees, including management and 9 board members. The meeting was scheduled early in the month to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday. HOLIDAY PARTY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 7pm-11pm The Village Green Cultural Affairs Committee is delighted to announce our annual Holiday Party. DJ Dave Cousins will be putting together an all-Quincy Jones playlist for the event, and will include a live guest performance by VG’s own Velvet Daddies from 8pm to 8:45pm. Party food and drink will be potluck; it’s a great time to share your favorite celebratory dishes and holiday libations. This is a private event, for Village Green residents and guests only. All ages are welcome, but sorry, pets are not. GAME NIGHT Game Night will not be held in December. Happy Holidays! We’ll return the fourth Friday of the new year, January 24th, 7pm-10pm; see you then! ELECTIONS ARE COMING Hear Ye! Board Elections will be held February 1st. There are five seats up for election. If you want to nominate yourself or another homeowner, please use the form provided by Ross Morgan by mail this week. Deadline for all nominations is November 28, 2024. The Board needs one more Director to reach nine members.
Please Consider Throwing Your Hat in the Ring! If you are interested in the role, please send a brief letter or email to [email protected] to declare your intentions, stating why you think you would be a good fit. Deadline for entry is Friday, April 12. Candidates will be reviewed and selected at the April 23rd Board Meeting. Compiled by P.J.C.
Thirty-two people attended the Board Meeting held November 14, 2023, including seven Board directors and Management representatives, which was very brief owing to the Thanksgiving Holiday. There was little in the way of official business; the Board discussed letters and correspondence brought by residents about everything from cats and coyotes to clubhouse rentals, but actionable items were minimal. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey
Thirty people attended the Board Meeting including six Board directors and Management representatives. Three Board members, Ashley Fondrevay, Haleh Shoah, and Steve Haggerty, were absent. Topics discussed include the 2024 budget and assessment increase, our new security contractor, a window-rehabilitation trial, changing "Rodeo Place" to become "Georgia & Ted's Place", and the HOA and Board meeting schedules. Compiled by Patrick Comiskey
Thirty people attended the Board Meeting held October 24, 2023 including six Board directors and Management representatives. Three Board members, Ashley Fondrevay, Haleh Shoah, and Steve Haggerty, were absent.
Five candidates ran for the five open seats; all were incumbents running for another term, and all were elected. They are Ashley Fondrevay (236); Steve Haggerty (245); Claire Knowlton (240); Avelene Schodorf (235); and Chris Scornaienchi (235). BOARD ELECTIONS ARE COMING... and there can’t be elections without you. Remember the Village Green Board is an elected body, with five seats up for re-election this year. A majority of eligible voters is necessary for the election to count, so we’re counting on you!
Chronological Collections
January 2030