By Marie Germaine, Court 12

Baldwin Hills Elementary School (BHES) is proud to be in its 80th year of successful public service to the Baldwin Village community.
Since 2016, the school has been obliged to share space as a Proposition 39 co-location (shared campus) with a charter school. In response, Village Green families and supportive neighbors formed Neighbors in Action for Baldwin Hills Elementary School and joined BHES teachers, parents, and other neighbors in advocating for BHES to become a charter-free campus. Supporters wrote letters, signed petitions, spoke at LAUSD board meetings, and met with LAUSD officials and local and state representatives.
Since 2016, the school has been obliged to share space as a Proposition 39 co-location (shared campus) with a charter school. In response, Village Green families and supportive neighbors formed Neighbors in Action for Baldwin Hills Elementary School and joined BHES teachers, parents, and other neighbors in advocating for BHES to become a charter-free campus. Supporters wrote letters, signed petitions, spoke at LAUSD board meetings, and met with LAUSD officials and local and state representatives.