A selection of procedures to help navigate life at Village Green. More information can be found in the handbook and from the office. It is each homeowners responsibility to read and adhere to the Village Green Handbook rules and regulations.
- New Homeowners - Click here
- Rentals - Click here
- Registering a car and parking stickers
- Guest Parking
- Contact Escort and Patrol: Click here
- Making changes in your unit - See Design Review Committee
- Submitting a work order for maintenance and repairs.
- Maintenance of all common Areas, association Property, and the exterior of units. Requests for routine maintenance services should be filed on the "Maintenance Request and Work Order" form available in laundry rooms and at the management office. Completed forms should be turned in at the office or left in the laundry rooms.
- Minor repair services on items that are not part of the common area and/or the association property are available, at the owner's expense, when the maintenance staffing permits. Work orders are submitted in the usual manner. Owners will be charged per hour, with an hour minimum, Monday through Saturday. - Pest Control
- Pest control can spray your unit with organic or traditional treatments, inside or outside for ants and spiders. They are currently on-site every Tuesday morning. Schedule your unit by submitting a work order. You will be given a window of time for their arrival and you may have to vacate your unit for a number of hours during and after spraying. - Record Requests
- Minutes of the most recently approved open session portion of board meetings are posted on the clubhouse bulletin board. By written request, owners may inspect the membership register, and other such books and records, and minutes of the meetings of the owners, the board and committees of the board as permitted by the Civil Code in the administration office located in the clubhouse.
- A record request form is available from the office and records can be copied at a cost of 25 cents per page. - (COST, WHAT IS COVERED, IN WRITING/FORM)
- Get involved/join a committee
- Committees welcome new members at any time. Any resident or owner can attend a meeting. Members can vote and membership of a committee requires attendance of four meetings in the year prior to becoming a member, as well as board approval. Meeting times can be found on the calendar and the committee pages. - Make a complaint/compliment
- Please contact the management office with complaints/ compliments, preferably in writing whether email or mail. Any homeowner may also write to the board collectively via the office. Correspondence received by the 3rd Monday of the month will be included on the agenda of the board meeting held on the 4th Thursday of the month. Homeowners may address the board in person for three minutes at the beginning of the regular monthly board meetings. - Report an incident
Incidents can be reported to the office directly or via escort and patrol who report to management. Click here. Work orders can be submitted for incidents requiring attention in common areas such as light bulbs needing replacement, graffiti removal, trash or laundry room issues. - Pay HOA assessment online
- Homeowners can view their account activity, set up one time or recurring payments and request paperless billing by setting up a profile using the account number found on their monthly Ross Morgan statement. www.rossmorganco.com - Prepare for Garage Inspections
-Garages are classified as exclusive use common area spaces. They should primarily used for car parking, not storage and thus should be able to fit a reasonably sized car in them. Annual garage inspections take place to check for structural, water and termite damage. Maintenance staff should be able to easily gain access to the walls in order to conduct the inspection. Notice will be given as to the period of inspection for a given court. Garages should be unlocked during this period or the automatic door opener disabled. Arrangements to leave a key with the office during the inspection period can be made. - Renting your unit
- Renting a unit requires a lease of a minimum of one year. Tenants should register with the office. Short term rentals are not permitted per the CC&Rs. Click here. - Hosting a party at the Green
Gatherings of less than 50 people in common area space such as court areas or greens do not require notice or permit. Please be considerate of your neighbors particularly in regard noise levels.
Gatherings of 50 or more people require permission and must take place on the lawn in front of the Clubhouse and/or in the clubhouse. Contact the office for availability and fees. The necessary forms are available to print here or at the office. Click here. - Pets
- In summary, one indoor pet under 30lb is permitted. Pets must be walked on the outside of the perimeter of the Green and only on the inner walkway when leaving or returning to their home unit. Owners are responsible for picking up after their pets. Click here. - Coyotes
- Laundry Rooms,
The laundry room services are contracted out to Wash LLC who maintain the machines. VGOA receives a percentage of the income from Wash. Wash can be contacted directly with service problems, click here. The laundry rooms are cleaned once a week. Cleaning Schedule. Users should keep the doors and windows closed when not there in person. Each court also has a drying area adjacent to the laundry/trash area. Court council reps maintain the notice boards in each laundry room. - The well and watering. Village Green has it's own well that is used to irrigate the landscape. The water pressure levels available mean that the sprinklers can only be turned on in sections. As a result, the watering schedule for the whole property cannot be completed in the early hours or late afternoon as desired for minimal water consumption. Management is currently investigating maintenance options for our existing well and the possibility of a new well.
- Water Use. Our HOA assessments pay for the city water used in all the buildings collectively. Units are not metered individually and it is incumbent on all residents (owners and residents) to conserve water, and report any leaks or running toilets immediately.
- Notice Board.
As required by law, the entrance of the clubhouse has the official notices board for VGOA notices such as meeting agendas and minutes.