The transition to a new laundry vendor will begin June 10 with courts 1-4. The old vendor, WASH, will remove their machines, and after cleaning and repair, All Valley Washer Service (AVWS) will install new machines. Replacement of machines in courts 5-8 will take place on June 11, courts 9-12 on June 12, and courts 13-17 on June 25. The process is expected to be completed in 6 days, during which there is likely to be one day of service disruption for each room. Lastly, AVWS will hold two in-person orientation sessions to introduce VG residents to the new machines, scheduled for 2pm on June 11th in Court 4 and June 26th in Court 13.
The Board has approved a proposal from structural engineer Bruce Danziger to review plans, provide structural design and documentation, coordinate with contractors and inspectors, and oversee foundation replacements of the serpentine walls. Mr. Danziger anticipates the design and documentation portion will be completed in a month and a half, at which point contractor Craig Troxler will be able to submit Mr. Danziger’s plans to the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.
Lambert Geissinger of LAOHR met with management to inspect some of the serpentine wall repair work. He noted the difference in appearance between original and more recently constructed walls, and recommended management contact Architectural Resources Group for recommendations on giving the bricks a weathered look.
Management has begun soliciting RFPs from three roofing companies to conduct inspections of all residential building and garage roofs.
This project has been ongoing since March 20. However, the schedule was upended when a resident in Building 26 reported an active hummingbird nest with eggs located in a vent. The painting team will come back once the chicks have fledged.
The transition to a new laundry vendor will begin June 10 with courts 1-4. The old vendor, WASH, will remove their machines, and after cleaning and repair, All Valley Washer Service (AVWS) will install new machines. Replacement of machines in courts 5-8 will take place on June 11, courts 9-12 on June 12, and courts 13-17 on June 25. The process is expected to be completed in 6 days, during which there is likely to be one day of service disruption for each room. Lastly, AVWS will hold two in-person orientation sessions to introduce VG residents to the new machines, scheduled for 2pm on June 11th in Court 4 and June 26th in Court 13.
The Board has approved a proposal from structural engineer Bruce Danziger to review plans, provide structural design and documentation, coordinate with contractors and inspectors, and oversee foundation replacements of the serpentine walls. Mr. Danziger anticipates the design and documentation portion will be completed in a month and a half, at which point contractor Craig Troxler will be able to submit Mr. Danziger’s plans to the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.
Lambert Geissinger of LAOHR met with management to inspect some of the serpentine wall repair work. He noted the difference in appearance between original and more recently constructed walls, and recommended management contact Architectural Resources Group for recommendations on giving the bricks a weathered look.
Management has begun soliciting RFPs from three roofing companies to conduct inspections of all residential building and garage roofs.
This project has been ongoing since March 20. However, the schedule was upended when a resident in Building 26 reported an active hummingbird nest with eggs located in a vent. The painting team will come back once the chicks have fledged.