Compiled and edited by P.J.C.
Green Knight Security Officers report all incidents to Management, including those that lead to rule enforcement such as noise or parking violations. For more information, please go to the Management Overview page.
Green Knight Security Officers report all incidents to Management, including those that lead to rule enforcement such as noise or parking violations. For more information, please go to the Management Overview page.
HARASSMENT, Court 5, July 18, 5:23 pm
A resident reported that her neighbor had tossed a bag of dog waste in her garden. No such bag was discovered.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Court 7, July 19, 1:03 am
Residents in Court 7 complained of loud noises from their downstairs neighbor. Security officers were unable to hear any noises upon inspection.
TRESPASSER, Court 8, July 19, 5:03 pm
A man was reported on the Main Green talking to himself. Officers redirected him to the perimeter.
MISSING CHILD, Court 10, July 26, 5:06 pm
A resident reported her child had run off and could not be relocated. Officers on bikes assisted in finding the child.
DOG ON THE GREEN, Court 2, July 27, 7:03 pm
A non-resident was reported walking his dog in the Green interior. When informed that his actions were in violation of property rules, he became belligerent with officers and refused to comply with requests to leave.
STOLEN PERSONAL PROPERTY, Court 16, July 29, 2:05 pm
A resident reported rolls of toilet paper missing from his garage.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Court 7, July 31, 8:09 pm
Upstairs residents reported loud arguing by their downstairs neighbors. Security encountered a resident arguing with unwanted visitors. LAPD and Management were called to de-escalate the situation.
SUSPECTED TRESPASSER, Court 7, August 5, 4:56 pm
A man was reported wandering around in the court, but security could not locate anyone.
VEHICLE VANDALISM, Court 1, August 14, 10:25 am
A resident reported his car had been broken into and the interior vandalized.
TRESPASSER, Court 15, August 15, 3:00 pm
A resident suspected someone was sleeping on her patio at night. Security instructed the resident not to confront the person and to call security when the trespasser was present.
FIREWORKS/GUNSHOTS, Court 10, August 15, 9:10 pm
Security received two reports of fireworks being set off on Hauser Boulevard. LAPD responded to the same report, alleging gunshots. No culprit was found.
TRESPASSER, Court 11, August 17, 11:04 am
Security received a call that a non-resident was in the dumpster looking for recyclable material. He was escorted off the property and told not to return.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Hauser Boulevard, August 18, 6:32 am
Security confronted a group of teenagers making noise. They left the area.
TRESPASSERS, Court 11, August 19, 8:38 am
Two transients were reported walking in Court 8, and later on Obama Place. They had left the property by the time officers arrived.
NOISE COMPLAINTS, Court 5, August 20, 4:50 pm and 8:11 pm
Security received two reports of after-hours construction, including a strong smell which may have come from reglazing a bathtub.
A resident reported that her neighbor had tossed a bag of dog waste in her garden. No such bag was discovered.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Court 7, July 19, 1:03 am
Residents in Court 7 complained of loud noises from their downstairs neighbor. Security officers were unable to hear any noises upon inspection.
TRESPASSER, Court 8, July 19, 5:03 pm
A man was reported on the Main Green talking to himself. Officers redirected him to the perimeter.
MISSING CHILD, Court 10, July 26, 5:06 pm
A resident reported her child had run off and could not be relocated. Officers on bikes assisted in finding the child.
DOG ON THE GREEN, Court 2, July 27, 7:03 pm
A non-resident was reported walking his dog in the Green interior. When informed that his actions were in violation of property rules, he became belligerent with officers and refused to comply with requests to leave.
STOLEN PERSONAL PROPERTY, Court 16, July 29, 2:05 pm
A resident reported rolls of toilet paper missing from his garage.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Court 7, July 31, 8:09 pm
Upstairs residents reported loud arguing by their downstairs neighbors. Security encountered a resident arguing with unwanted visitors. LAPD and Management were called to de-escalate the situation.
SUSPECTED TRESPASSER, Court 7, August 5, 4:56 pm
A man was reported wandering around in the court, but security could not locate anyone.
VEHICLE VANDALISM, Court 1, August 14, 10:25 am
A resident reported his car had been broken into and the interior vandalized.
TRESPASSER, Court 15, August 15, 3:00 pm
A resident suspected someone was sleeping on her patio at night. Security instructed the resident not to confront the person and to call security when the trespasser was present.
FIREWORKS/GUNSHOTS, Court 10, August 15, 9:10 pm
Security received two reports of fireworks being set off on Hauser Boulevard. LAPD responded to the same report, alleging gunshots. No culprit was found.
TRESPASSER, Court 11, August 17, 11:04 am
Security received a call that a non-resident was in the dumpster looking for recyclable material. He was escorted off the property and told not to return.
NOISE COMPLAINT, Hauser Boulevard, August 18, 6:32 am
Security confronted a group of teenagers making noise. They left the area.
TRESPASSERS, Court 11, August 19, 8:38 am
Two transients were reported walking in Court 8, and later on Obama Place. They had left the property by the time officers arrived.
NOISE COMPLAINTS, Court 5, August 20, 4:50 pm and 8:11 pm
Security received two reports of after-hours construction, including a strong smell which may have come from reglazing a bathtub.